Brazos Bend State Park
Volunteer Organization   
Gator Hatch

Annual Butterfly Count

Sunday, October 6th, 2024  


Where: Amphitheater - meet at 9:00 am
We gather at one of the picnic grounds at 12:30 to tally our preliminary results and eat our sack lunches.
What to Bring: Lunch, drinking water, mosquito repellent, sun protection, and (if you have them) butterfly field guides, close-focusing binoculars and camera.
Qualifications: All levels welcome - especially beginners
Experienced leadership for all groups
Enthusiasm and love of butterflies and the outdoors
NABA Fee: This is a citizen science project in conjunction with the North American Butterfly Association and a fee of $3.00 will be requested for each participant. Park entry fee is waived for butterfly counters.
Count Circle: 15 mile diameter circle. In the morning we focus primarily on several areas within the Park. Those who wish to continue in the afternoon can survey other areas within the circle.
History: The first count in 1995 observed 392 butterflies of 30 species.
The record count of 2001 saw 5340 butterflies of 57 species.
Contact: Shannon Westveer at . If your are interested please email Shannon by September 27th so she can get groups and areas figured out.
Checklist: A list of Butterflies of Brazos Bend State Park.

Updated: Sep 17, 2024